Thursday, April 9, 2020

New website

Hello guys!

We have decided to move over to for future updates and information about the game!

I'll let this blog stay up so readers are able to read all the previous posts.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Status update

Hi patient readers!

I was heavily into development of new content and thus I asked Shade to take over the blog to write about the game and the development process (which went pretty good!)

Since we haven't been providing news during the last month while teasing with an alpha, I feel obligated to write about the current situation.

The alpha is coming!

... but we still don't have a date.
Game development brings new challenges that are unpredictable. In our case, it's the creation of the server backend/steam integration and integration of both systems into the game, as well as the process of creating audio and making the game feel immersive.

Since we want to have a lot of control about stuff like matchmaking and player customization, our developer rAfi is creating a .net backend from scratch. This will help us implement new features much easier. However, this is taking a little longer than expected.

Good news

I've been working on a new map environment (Greek-Cyclades styled) and a new character class. While the map is almost done, the character class still needs many more visual effects, bug fixes, and balance changes to be fully playable. We're probably going to see both in the second alpha test.

What have I done...
Vacation resort or battlefield?

Thanks for reading!
- Xreal

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Week 3 Update


This will be the last update for this month, as well as the last update before the first closed alpha testing announcement! To start things off, a second Lava Map is being designed so we can have multiple maps to work with during testing. For the future, more scenic visuals will be added around environments to make the maps more immersive! This map will be a bit more opened all around while still having large areas to hide behind.

There have also been newly designed items placed on the current map as well. These mobile wooden shields were created to give a better feel to "hiding behind cover" since they block LoS. Each environment will have their own themed tiles such as these, but since the maps are currently lava based, you will now start seeing the sharp rocky formations from earlier posts, these wooden walls, and the torches and gravestones filling the deadly maps. As mentioned up above, as time goes on we plan to increase the visuals of the environments so they are not so open and bland around the edges but we want to work mainly on the field of play for now.

Another feature added was the ability to select your team's starting positions on the map. At the start of the round you can move them around in the optional positions. 

Interface and Visual Changes

While in-game, the display of information was just not very good so we changed it. There is now a large bar at the bottom of the screen with dedicated spots for all character information, your build, and the combat log as well with chat. Selecting characters on the screen will also change what you see displayed on the top left for a characters active effects too. 

An important skill type in the game that has not been discussed much yet is called Wards. They are a skill that lasts multiple turns on the map and can be either be visible or hidden. Originally they could not be used on top of each other and we're visibly difficult to see. We have now changed them to be able to be casted on top of each other and also changed how they are visibly displayed. 


As you can see, we are really trying to finish polishing what we can before testing begins. As the back end is still being worked on, we are finishing up the testing of skill bugs and cleaning up visuals. A new post will be made as soon as we create a date for testing. If you are interested in being a tester or have more questions, do not he afraid to reach out to us!


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We hope everyone has an amazing New Years and happy holidays, from the Tidewoken team!